BioEnginuity Impact Grant – Application Form

BioEnginuity Impact Grant

Application form

    Application instructions

    Complete the requested information using this application form and upload Main Application Components 1 – 3 as separate PDFs using the upload fields below. Ensure that uploaded PDF documents indicate your name and the document type in the title, e.g. ‘LastName_FirstName_ProjectDescription’.

    You should accumulate all required documents and then complete the application and uploads in one session. You will not be able to return to your application to make changes/updates. If for some reason you need to modify your application, you will need to email

    Main Application Components 4 and 5 will need to be emailed directly to before the May 31, 2024 deadline.

    Your information

    Eligibility and status in program

    To be eligible, students need to be going into their final two years of the PhD program and on track to graduate within the average normative period of 4-6 years. Enter the date you entered your program, your anticipated date for filing your thesis, and the date of the last/most recent meeting with your thesis committee.

    Main Application Components

    The full application includes the following :

    1. Project Description

    2. Personal Statement

    3. CV

    4. Letter of Support

    5. Letter of recommendation

    1. Project Description

      Please describe the current status of your project and how you intend to orient the final two years of work to better ensure beneficial societal impact. You should consider the following aspects in your description: What is the problem you are solving or the question you are answering? What is the advantage of your approach? How do you envision your project making an impact on society? Preliminary data and/or figures not necessary (not to exceed 500 words).

    2. Personal Statement (current status, future plans)

      To help structure your personal statement, please address the following aspects: 1) How will this grant enable you to accomplish your career goals/aspirations? 2) How did you come to realize your desire to focus on this particular area? 3) In addition to your research, what other activities and/or experiences have influenced your desire to make positive contributions to society? 4) (optional) Do you have prior experience in entrepreneurship (not necessary for consideration). You are not limited to these suggestions, but your statement should not exceed 500 words.


    3. Current CV (not to exceed 2 pages)


    4. Letter of Support (from thesis advisor)

      Enter the name and email address of the person who will be submitting a letter of support on your behalf. The letter should be emailed from this person directly to We will alert you when the letter has been received. However, it is up to the applicant to ensure the letter arrives by the due date of May 31, 2024.

    5. Letter of Recommendation (not from thesis advisor)

      Enter the name and email address of the person who will be submitting a letter of recommendation on your behalf. The letter should be emailed from this person directly to We will alert you when the letter has been received. However, it is up to the applicant to ensure the letter arrives by the due date of May 31, 2024.