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BioEnginuity Impact Grant Recipient, Daniel Lim, Awarded Design Master Prize

Current research in prosthetic hand design faces a big challenge: it's very expensive to customize prosthetic hands to fit each user's specific needs. In the U.S., there are over 541,000 people who have lost part of their upper limbs, and 78% of these cases involve partial hand or finger amputations. Daniel Lim's project, EXODIA, aims to solve this problem by using a data-driven approach to create modular prosthetic hands, which can be easily adjusted without needing as much input from human designers.

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interior view of bakar bioenginuity hub
navneet matharu and two members of the regel team

Tenant Spotlight on Regel Therapeutics: A New Approach to Gene Therapy

“I always used to enjoy science and technological innovation. For a scientist, curiosity leads to discovery, but it is a need that leads to invention. In the back of my mind, I always knew that to make a clinical product into a reality, I have to take the technology out of the lab and develop it in an industry setting. Patients and their caregivers motivated me to take this leap into entrepreneurship," says Navneet Matharu. Read post
two members of coagulant looking at books

Tenant Spotlight on Coagulant, a Company Defying the Odds to Save Lives

“I think anyone who meets me understands my passion for what I’m doing,” Terry says. “I’m not here to make a business per se. I am here to impact people’s lives. Sure, I hope it becomes a business in the process, but as I told my team, we’re going to be the first ones to solve this problem. And if nothing else, I think we can look back at ourselves at the end of this journey and know that we’re creating a movement in this field.” Read post